Sunday, February 13, 2011

2011 Predictions for Social Media in Spain recently published their annual Social Media Predictions report for the third year in a row. In 2008, 18 contributors predicted what social media would look like in 2009; in 2009, 27 professionals gave their expert opinions; and this year 40 Social CRM-ers participated. Below is a summary of each contributor’s top prediction.

As you’ll see, the majority are focused on Spain – logically. I noted that many of the predictions seem to follow the developments that have taken place in U.S. by a year or two (i.e., candidates using social networks to campaign for the May 2011 elections, social media becoming a part of daily life, and the explosion in use of online coupons and personalized discount offers).

Can we determine what will succeed and what will fall by the wayside by analyzing what came before it in the U.S.? My prediction is that we cannot. But we’ll have to wait until January 2012 to find out.

Google will not buy Twitter
Jose  Luis  Antúnez, Founder of YouAre and Coorganizer of the Spain Blog Event

The most important verbs to focus on in 2011 are: evangalize, train, edúcate, inspire, motívate and wager.

Enrique Burgos, Marketing Responsible for Unidad Editorial

2011 is an election year; parties and candidates will enter into the realm of the internet and social networks, especially from March 2011

Cesar  Calderón , Socio Director for Autoritas Consulting          

ROI is the key word for social web
Javier Celya, CEO, Grupo Dosdoce de Comunicacion Cultural

It will be absolutely necessary to link all Social Media activity to the business it generates.
Marc Cortés, Socio-Director RocaSalvatella, Electronic Marketing Professor at ESADE

The consumer will become the center of the buying process
Roberto Carreras, Independent Marketing and Communication Consultant

The big consumer brands will continue throwing money (and large multinational agencies will continue to collect it)

Fernando de la Rosa, Independent Marketing Consultant
Customers talk and business better know what they are saying – and programming a Google Alert will not be enough

Roger Domino, Editorial Director Duesto/  Gestión 2000/ Alienta/  CEAC

In 2011, we will have to continue explaining to companies that this is not a matter of ´tools´ [for following/measuring social media]

Fernando Egido, Director Banca 2.0/ Banca Cívica

2011 will be the first year in which the sector moves toward maturity
Tristán  Elósegui , Online Manager at Secuoyas, Organizer of The Monday Reading Club

The “rules of the game” will have to change before we can talk about 2.0 policy
Ricard Espelt, Regidor de Nuevas Tecnologias de Copons; Trainer;  Member of  Redall Comunicación; Entrepreneur

The year of consecration of mobility and the triumph of real time Web.
Mauro Fuentes, Social Media Director of Tinkle

Digital strategy: it’s social or it doesn’t exist
Alber  García  Pujadas, Entrepreneur; Founder of OneMojito

Social media will become part of the day-to-day for people, professionals and businesses.           

Javier  Martín, Blogger and Entrepreneur

It will be the year of virtual money. After years of talk, it will begin to be used in mass, thanks especially to the success of Facebook as a platform.

Jose Antonio de Moral, CEO of Alianzo

2011 will be the year of the #hashtag, of conversation, more than the number of fans or followers.

José Luis Orihuela, Professor at the University of Navarra

28 things that will not happen in 2011 [see full report]
José Luis Orihuela, Professor at the University of Navarra

E-commerce in social networks and the “coupon effect”
Christian Palau, Director of

Social media will allow for activity managed by a centralized identity

Ismael Peña, Professor at the Universitat Obert de Catalunya
In 2011, brands will measure their activity and presence in social networks by one concrete indication: the contrubtion they make to the bottom line.

Juan Luis y Fernando Polo, CEO and Socio Director of Strategy (respectively) for Territorio Creativo

2011 will be the year in which we once again attempt to normalize processes

Genis Roca, Socio Director RocaSalvatella
The complete decentralization of social networks

Marc Vidal, Entrepreneur


Anonymous said...

Very interesting indeed! I'm seeing the same here in France, with social CRM really picking up speed only since Oct-Nov of last year. Here however it is still very much a discussion around community management, with more direct interaction with customers. However, it is still very much inside-out, with little thought to how to use insights from engagement to improve customer experience and co-innovation.

I would like to draw your attention to an event that will be held on March 21-22 in Madrid. Paul Greenberg, the "Godfather of social CRM", and Esteban Kolsky will be presenting at the Social CRM for Business Seminar (

I suggest you profit of the occasion to come and talk with them!

Miriam said...

Thanks a lot for your comments, Mark.

It's interesting to know what the trends are in France. Community Management is huge here as well. Positions are being created left and right. Could it be overkill for a market that hasn't yet emerged?

Thanks for suggesting the event. I'd love to attend the event, but I can't unfortunately, due to travel plans. Hope to learn a lot from the Social Media landscape in the US.